Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dia #7 - Patios

Those of you who have seen our patio in Chelsea-by-the-sea will understand why I dream of having a house with a patio in Oaxaca...

This last one is from the new Museum of Textiles:


  1. Ca me donne envie de pleurer ! Ici, il pleut !argggg j'ai besoin de vacances au soleil !!!
    J'espère que tout se passe bien pour toi (mais ça a l'air !)
    Tu nous as pas envoyé de n° de tel fixe, t'en as pas ? Big bisous !

  2. Yes, I see why. But, your patio in Chelsea-by-the-Sea is just like these...just smaller :) The colors are wonderful. I LOVE those big puppet heads.

  3. yes.. almost like those. at least I'm working on it..
