Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dia #9 - Today's yoga lesson

I love to go to yoga  every morning at the above yoga studio, Casa del Angel. Today's message was to love oneself, illustrated by this Sufi poem:

Dios respecta el hombre que trabaja, pero ama el que baila
(God respects the man who works, but he loves the one who dances)

Some of you are probably thinking that I didn't need any more encouragement in that field... Heck, la vida es corta....


Can't wait to take Nick to the monday morning Laughing Meditation session. He IS a trooper.

xo all.

1 comment:

  1. woahh ! tu feras des photos de Nick en train de faire du yoga ? je veux voir ça !
    J'aime beaucoup ton petit proverbe !
